Prince of Daein

Inbound to become the 14th King of Daein

pfp: picnicic
background: Milada Vigerova

Basic Info

ClassDaein Prince
Full TitlePrince Soren of Daein
HobbiesReading, sparring
LikesReliable people, the cold, red wine
DislikesSweets, being interrupted or talked over, being touched by total strangers
SexualityUnknown (presumably straight?)

Weapon Stats

Dark MagicB


Soren, being raised under his mother's watchful eye, is an introverted young man, yet curious of the world around him, having never left home until he was placed in the throes of war. Regarding social interactions, much of his personality is derivative of his Japanese incarnation. Depending on one’s perception, he could be viewed as a nice, well-mannered guy. He is polite to a point that it may come off as cold. He may even appear awkward, as he has never really had the chance to interact with many others outside of his mother and the attendants that live with them.

Similar to his uncle, he has a strong sense of justice and in combination with the circumstances of the aftermath of war, this can be perceived as almost patriotic, but all he wants is for peace to return to the world. He is exceptionally bright but if he isn’t paying close attention, he is gullible to deceptive words and plans due to his habit of following his mother’s every word without question. He also has a hard time dealing with negative emotion, choosing to brush them off something distracting, but because he feels them often, he keeps himself focused on training or studies in order to keep his head clear. He quickly finds this to be a bad habit when he has less time to spend on his hobbies, finding it increasingly hard not to become overwhelmed and genuinely angry at the state of affairs within Tellius.

His view of the world is similar to Ike’s, dreaming of a place where everyone is accepted regardless of skin color, wings, tails, or none alike, especially after seeing firsthand the way Laguz and Branded are treated. Without knowing this upfront and hearing Micaiah’s feelings on the matter, he holds slight disdain for the swordsman, for allowing the country to slip into the state it was and killing his apparent father.


After the events of his birth, Soren is raised as a nobleman of Daein under the supervision of Lady Almedha. At a very early age, he is made to learn the ways of the esteemed—tact, proper dinner etiquette, ballroom dancing, and so forth—but the skill that would aid him most is his ability in combat. Taking up the sword while he was young, Soren is able to hold his own direct combat effectively. Later, in his early teens, he picked up magic, specifically, Dark Magic, to be able to become an efficient, well-rounded unit.

Being raised by his mother, the relationship they share is one of co-dependence. While she cares for him, keeping an eye on his every movement and whereabouts keeps her worries at bay. Despite hailing from an aristocratic household, he rarely ever leaves to experience the streets of Daein, for fear that speculation surrounding his origin may cause unrest, that King Ashnard may seek him out and kidnap him, or worse, that he may be killed. Although his overall existence is kept a secret from outsiders, Soren knows his heritage well. He doesn’t quite know that he’s the heir to the throne, but he knows that his mother is Laguz and his absent father is Beorc.

Soon, war erupts around the continent and the family, with their few attendants, remain in hiding until its end. News of Daein’s loss and the king’s death spreads quickly, and the peace he once knew quickly devolves into a nightmare for the mother-son duo. Without leadership under Begnion’s occupation, the nation slips into poverty and turmoil, something that breaks Soren’s heart to its core. Never one a fan of the prejudice the people held towards the laguz, the abuse of citizens to the point that neighbors were losing their titles became the last straw to get him up and moving against Almedha’s wishes. For a few missions, to test his skill and fight for his beliefs, he joins the Dawn Brigade. While traveling with them, he quickly forms a strong, however painstaking, bond with the Silver Haired Maiden, Micaiah. Motivated by her headstrong personality, vigor, and the secret they share, he vows to stick by her in the salvage of their wartorn home.

Coincidentally, he happens to be there when helping to free Micaiah, Kurth, and others from Begnion’s grasp. After overhearing the rumor of the late king’s orphan, Kurth senses his nephew, telling him he should return home as soon as possible without another word. Soren, finding the strange man’s words to be for the best while the others search for the heir in the desert, does exactly what he’s told and is met with Izuka and other officials once he arrives. Knowing of Lady Almedha’s whereabouts and having seen the boy travel to and from the location, along with his very visible brand is what led Izuka to declare him Ashnard’s son.

Utterly disregarding his mother’s discomfort, Soren is swiftly upheld as the new soon-to-be King of Daein, inspiring the Liberation Army to overthrow the Occupational Army at Nevassa. Soren shares the victory with his very first friend and other close allies, participating in this fight.



Text Key

// - OOC
"" - IC speech
no indication - IC action or Crack RP speech, depending on context
[] - Crack RP action
() - thoughts
{{}} - Ancient language